Affirmations are a brilliant way to stay sane during those days when you feel you could go under.
There is a secret though, which is key to success. It's really simple and obvious once you know, however until you do, it can just be empty words and absolutely nothing happens. The secret to affirmations working are really feeling them as you say them. So taking that extra moment instead of just mindlessly repeating them. When you say 'All's Well' breathe into it, feel it and experience it through the body in that moment.
If I find overwhelment lapping at my edges this is what I say "I can do any of these things when I am not trying to do all of them, and I can do all of these things when I do one of them." The more we bring affirmations into our daily lives the easier life will become, as our reactions to situations come from that still place deep within us.
Another affirmation I love and use on a daily basis at the moment is "I am a Warrior". This has been since we finished a Wellbeing Talk on worry, stress and anxiety in Moraira Spain with the Warrior yoga pose. In that instant we were all Warriors not worriers. The energy was quite amazing and the change in everyone was tangible.
I have been asked to write up the affirmations that I have used over the years of which some have come from myself and many more have now been gathered from others, so here I acknowledge and thank from the bottom of my heart on behalf of us all Louise Hay, Florence Scovel Shinn, Julian of Norwich, the 'Course of Miracles' and Kryon, Saint Germain for their inspiration and wisdom.
"Blessed is the human being who understands the power of speech. Words are magic!"
So enjoy:
"I am centred, settled, safe and secure"
"I am at peace with myself and the whole world. I love everyone and everyone loves me. The flood gates of my good now open"
“I live life in loving kindness.”
“Let abundance flow into my life.”
"I create miracles in my life, so I expect good things. God is in every human and light is everywhere"
“I welcome, peace and abundance.”
"Infinite Spirit open the way for my great abundance. I am an irristible magnet for all that belongs to me by divine right"
“I choose to be in my highest contract.”
"All will be well, all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well"
“My heart contains no judgement, I see clearly. I surround all inner conflict with acceptance & LOVE.”
“I am alive to the joys of being/living.”
“I deserve and accept the very best in life.”
“I love and approve of myself”
"My core essence is part of the creative source and it floods my cellular structure with the pure light of perfect health. The pure light of God flows constantly through my cells."
“I am completely centred within myself and I radiate my true being in all circumstances”.
“Life is for me”
“I surrender all that is no longer necessary in my life. My energy field is clean, clear and vibrantly alive.”
“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving and harmonious.”
“I am peaceful with and trust the process of life. I am safe and secure.”
“There is plenty. More than enough!”
“I now choose to support myself in loving, joyous ways.”
“All details take care of themselves.”
“I connect with the light.”
“Every deed and act is perfect.”
“All is well.”
“I love and approve of myself.”
“I am at peace, I am calm.”
“I trust my soul to its positive destiny. I trust that all problems of my counterfeit spirit will be overcome.”
“The situation involving finances, in which I see myself, doesn’t matter anymore, as all things are possible, because the power of God lies with it and within me.”
“I claim the solution behind this challenge”
“I claim the miracle behind this challenge.”
“I call home to the centre of my heart my perfectly aligned partner. I call him home with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my will, with all might and with all my love. I call him into my physical reality now.”
“Thank you for my earnings of ……per annum.”
"All that is mine by divine right is now released and enriches me in great avalanches of abundance under grace in miraculous ways"
“I am in profit!!”
"Let Go"
“I am empowering myself”
“I hand my little will over to my higher will.”
“Hip hip hooray, there is joy in every day – I am balanced and free.”
"I am wise beyond my years and see the blessings in everything. The life puzzles that I solve are the catalyse for planetry change and increase the vibration of the pleanet. My very existance is sacred and blessed."
“I am the love and beauty of life in full expression”
“I make my decisions based on the principals of trust and I rest securely knowing only right action is taking place in my life”
“I have the capacity to take in the fullness of life. I lovingly live life to the fullest”
"I give thanks for the beautiful marriage that I have with my Higher Self. I am complete and whole and radiate love. This radiance attracts a multitude of other loving humans into my life and I celebrate the depth of my many and wonderous relationships."
“My mind is gentle and harmonious. I love and approve of myself. I am free to be me.”
“I can do all of these thing when I do one of them and one at a time I will do all of them.”
“I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.”
“I know that when I sit down and deal with each thing one at a time, I can deal with everything.”
“I do what nurtures me and makes my heart sing!”
"My prescence on earth is sacred, annonited, blessed and on purpose. I claim the magnificence of my eternal soul, so that I walk in the abundace of love that embraces everyone I meet."
So remember, moving forward that we create our own reality from the words we speak or even think, so be careful of what you think, your self talk and what you voice out loud as your words literally reverberate out into the universe and create.
The invisible forces are for ever working for man who is always pulling the strings himself, though he does not always know it. Owing to the vibrational power of words whatever man voices he begins to attract. (These are the words of Florence Scovel Shinn 1870-1940).
I trust that you will find the words here that wiill resonate and inspire you to create the life you truly wish to live. We are all creators, go create!
Updated 2024